Name:김 Date of Birth: Medical history : preterm :27주, B.wt : 1150g : NICU care - incubator 90days MRI, CT, SONO Comment : Perinatal ICH(-), 1.5mon경 ICH(+) |
1. General Impression
엄마에게 안겨서 들어오고 poor attention.
특히 큰 소리나 낮은 톤의 음성을 들었을 때 sensitivity함.
엄마, 아빠, 네 간단한 지시 따르기 가능함. motivation-increase spasticity
2. Ability
supine to prone but extensor pattern 이용
creeping but increased postural tone and associated reaction and movement pulling 해서 이동함.
3. Disability
independent sitting
4. Postural Tone
Moderate spasticity
Proximal (low tone) < distal (hyper tone), Lt side <Rt side
Upper extremity > lower extremity
5. Postural pattern
trunk inactivity --→
--→ poor emotion control ↓
Unstable BOS (narrow BOS)
Postural tone increase
heavy arm
(upper pulling and lower accessory)
mass pattern in L/E
Poor dissociated movement
6. Contracture and Deformity
Shoulder of short contracture → arm heavy
Rt hand 의 wrist flexion and pronation
ankle instability and plantar flexion and inversion
spine little scoliosis (Rt side shortening)
7. Associated problem
poor head control instable jaw → munching pattern
poor postural control → drooling ↑
↕ → squeezing
poor emotional control visual problem
→poor eye-hand dissociation
visual field limited
body scheme, awareness ↓ perception and cognition
learning disability
8. Main problem
Proximal inactibity →heavy arm
Poor grading movement
Poor dissociated movement
9. Treatment Goal
▶ Postural tone → Break → wide BOS
→ postural control -proximal stability increase
-increased head and trunk control
-transfer COG to the forward
-symmetry ↑
-experienced dissociation
(head and shoulder / scapular and arm)
-increase L/E preparation
▶ Increased arm movement
→ changing of direction
→ increase range of movement(eye-head coordination)
→ movement of sequence experience increased
→ hand support를 통한 good body awareness - postural stability increased
# Postural Tone
Level of arousal proprioceptive
Feedback properties
State of readiness in the muscle state activity. The ability to modulate muscle activity both in response to and as a result of demands from the external and internal environment. |
1. Type
hyper / normal / hypo / fluctuation
- spasticity
- athetosis
- ataxia
- hypotonia
2. tonal distribution
- Quadriplegia
- Diplegia
- Hemiplegia
3. degree of tonus
1. General impression:
An overall picture of the child including relationship with care-giver, physical dependency, behaviour etc.
The following items are different for the more able child and for the child who is severely disabled.
2. Functional abilities and inabilities.
Briefly list and describe: this should give a general functional picture of the child.
Able child
List and describe functional activities eg, eating, sequences of movement, play etc.
1. Crawls but with too much flexion.
2, Uses both hands but prefers the left.
3.Can eat independently but does not chew.
1. Cannot stand independently.
2. Cannot do buttons in dressing/undressing.
3. No reliable means of communication.
Severely disabled child
Record that the child is totally dependent for all needs but when handled can achieve certain skills which are described, Give a detailed description of the hows and whys of postural patterns in section 3.
3. Basic postural tone and patterns:
In this section describe the different positions prone through to standing and walking (posture and activity) inciuding hand function, communication and eating/drinking skills. Note how child arrears in each position and how he/she does activity.
If the child cannot do certain activities give the reasons why these are not possible.
Include postural tone at rest and on activity.
Threatening contractures.
Note: Check especially for head control, trunk stability and use of arms for weight bearing and reach/grasp.
4. Main problems:
Give 3 or 4 only.
5. Aims of treatment:
These should be directly related to the main problems.
NB: If the child is totally dependent, a short summary of the child's state can be given and postural activity described in detail in the section below (postural patterns). The more able child can be described in the following way with detail of posture and movement below:
ABILITIES: what child can independently achieve and how.
INABILITIES: what child is unable to do and why.
NB: This summary should be a simple list of the child's functional skills ie. What the child can do without assistance or facilitation. You may indicate the predominant pattern of activity and preferred assymetry eg. Rolls to both sides, more to the left; crawls reciprocally but with too much flexion. This list is only for use with the child who is able. The less able child can be summarised as in the section above, 'Generai impressions'.
Quality of tone - at rest/minimal stimulation and tone with actibity, effort, excitement.
Summary of pattern of posture and movement.
All positions must be observed.
The following gives a guideline to what you might need to observe/ test in each position (think about the significance of these activities):
General Posture:
-predominant patterns of activity.
-midline, turn L/R independently
-lifts clear of surface
Arms:-to midline
-reach forward
Legs:-independent movement
Sequences of movement:
-in and out of position
-in rolling
-to sitting
General Posture:
-predominant patterns of movement
-midline, turn L/R independently
Arms: -forearm support
-extended arm support
-mobile weight bearing
-free an arm for reaching
Legs: -independent movement
Sequence of movement
-rolling L/R
-pivoting L/R
-commando crawl
-4 point kneeling
a)Pull to sitting(from supine)
-assistance-grasp with hands
-head control/lag
-activity of legs
b)Long sitting: general posture
-patterns of activity
-alignment /asymmetry
-free arm support
-movement of legs
c)Sitting on chair /bench: general posture
-movement of legs
-balance and saving reactions
(forwards, backwards, sideways)
d)Skde sitting:
-movement in/out of position
-same to both sides?
get in/out of position from
-sitting on floor
-sitting on chair
-1/2 kneeling
a) feet in parallel
-Patterns of activity
b) step stand
c)single leg stand
WALKING: -pattern
- steps forwards
- step and stop
- stairs
-quality/type of grasp
-isolated finger movements
Preferably no more than four
Should relate to the main problems
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